44th Annual Meeting of the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies CFP

The 44th Annual Meeting of the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies will take place 4-7 April 2013 at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.  The program committee invites 250-word abstracts of proposed twenty-minute papers on topics on Iberian and Latin American history, literature, art, and religion from the sixth to the twenty-first centuries.  Planned sessions are welcome.

The conference will be held on the campus of the University of New Mexico, home to a vibrant scholarly community in Iberian history. Beautiful Albuquerque is home to the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, and the Turquoise Museum.  It is also an easy drive from Albuquerque to stunning Santa Fe, one of the oldest surviving cities founded in the United States by the Spanish.  We are delighted to announce that the plenary talk will be given by UNM alumnus Adrian Shubert (MA, 1976).



Additional information on the conference has been posted on the ASPHS website, including conference registration forms, conference events, and hotel accommodations:


The deadline for abstracts is 15 December 2012. Email submissions are encouraged.  Send inquiries and abstracts to:
