Researching in the Archivo Histórico del Arzobispado de México

The AHAM is located in Roma Norte and is very easy to access, and when your done, you’re in ROMA NORTE! Their collection includes documents from the sixteenth century until the present, and houses mostly documents that were created within the archdiocese of Mexico that do not have to do with the day-to-day business of the Cathedral, those documents are likely to be found in the Cabildo Archive.

The address is: Calle Durango #90 First Floor, Cuahtehmoc, Roma Nte., 06700 Ciudad de México, D.F., Mexico


Be careful as of 3/8/2016 Google Maps shows the AHAM about a block and half from where it should be. Search the address instead, like the map below.

Consultation Hours:

9AM to 3PM, M-F

How to arrive:

Here is a big helpful tip, if you get lost, ask for the Plaza Rio de Janiero or the Arquidiocesis Primada de México, or worst case scenario the Glorieta Insurgentes, more people are likely to know where that is.

There are four main ways to get to the AHAM:

  • Metro and Metrobus: The Metro Insurgentes stop is your best bet. Once you are in the glorieta insurgentes you will exit south on the walkway that leads to Jalapa. Walk past Puebla and make a left on Durango. Walk through the Plaza Rio de Janiero and once you are on the Durango once more look for #90 which will be near the corner with Cordoba.
  • Ecobici, there is an ecobici station about one block away from the AHAM.
  • Taxi or UBER: like always this will be the most expensive option. Ask for the Plaza Rio de Janiero or the Arquidiocesis Primada de México

Consultation/ Image Reproduction

  • Transcribing
    • You can either type your transcriptions on a laptop, or write them down on paper.
  • Photography and Reproduction
    • You can take digital pictures of images for 1 MXN per picture. You can also obtain digital reproductions (scanned) for the price of 1 MXN per image. Due to the fact that there is poor lighting in the consultation area, I would go with the scanned copies.

What You Need to Register:

  • Letter of Introduction (typically from your adviser)
  • Government issued Identification Card (you will leave this at the front desk when you first enter)

What You Need to Consult Documents:

Where to eat:

The AHAM is located in a fantastic place in terms of safety and food. Usually when I go I just snack and work until they close. However, you will be able to find a bunch of great places to eat by just walking a couple blocks or taking an ecobici.

Places where you must eat:

Fun Fact:

  • Parts of the movie Total Recall (1990) were filmed in CDMX, one of the scenes was filmed in the Glorieta Insurgentes.