INaja Ni-X
YouTaja Ti-X
He/Him/HerYaja (-)X
UsTejemet Ti-X-(pl)
You All Anmejemet An-X-(pl)
TheyYejemet (-)X-(pl)

You can plug in any intransitive verb or noun for X, and you can construct a sentence.

For instance, Siwat, which means woman. Naja nisiwat, is I am a woman. Tejemet tisiwamet, is we are women. Yaja siwat, is she is a woman.

For man, we would use the word Takat. If you wanted to say, “I am a man,” you would say, naja nitakat. He is a man would be, yaja takat.

With intransitive verbs, you could say:

Naja nimijtutia, which is, I dance. You could also say, Tejemet timijtutiat, which is, we dance. Yejemet mijtutiat, would be, they dance.