Demonyms in Nawat ipal Kuskatan

Here we will talk about how to use and create demonyms (gentilicios) in Nawat from what is now El Salvador. -Chanej The suffix –chanej is added to toponyms as follows: x-chanej, xchanej. X being any given town/city/country. to create a word that essentially means “dweller, resident, or a person from x.” Typically this is only […]

Numbers in Nawat

Arabic Numeral Nawat 1 Se 2 Ume 3 Yei 4 Nawi 5 Makwil 6 Chikwasen 7 Chikume 8 Chikwey 9 Chiknawi 10 Majtakti 11 Majtakti se 12 Majtakti ume 13 Majtakti yei 14 Majtakti nawi 15 Kashtul 16 Kashtul se 17 Kashtul ume 18 Kashtul yei 19 Kashtul nawi 20 Se Pual 25 Se Pual […]