Powwow at Virginia Tech 2023
If you can make it, come see some amazing dancers and support Indigenous artists and vendors The Powwow will be on April 29 from noon to 4pm rain or shine.
Sharing a Recipe from Kushkatan in A Gathering Basket
I am happy to announce that we were able to share knowledge about Atul Shukuk (Atol Chuco) and Sinti (Maiz) via A Gathering Basket by the I-Collective. I got together with Nantzin Sixta from Witzapan (Santo Domingo de Guzman) and we shared some awesome information about the importance of maiz to Kujkuskatanchanejket (people from Kushkatan). […]
Kan Kalaki Tunal (Where the Sun Enters)
Nawat Spanish English Tunal tit, tunal titKan kalaki tunal nuteku tutekunechkukua, nechkukuakan kalaki tunal nuyulu nuyulu mikia nemi tunal tit (x2) metzneki metzneki chukatunal tit, tunal tit, tunal ma’ shu(x2) Kan kalaki tunal nuteku tutekunechkukua, nechkukuakan kalaki tunalnuyulu nuyulu mikia nemi tunal tit (x2) Fuego de Sol, Fuego de solDonde se mete el sol mi […]
Ne Kojkojtanchej tik Nawat ipal Kushkatan / Animals in Nawat from Kushkatan
This page will be updated with more videos pertaining to animals soon.
Ne Tajtapual tik Nawat ipal Kushkatan (1-10) Numbers in Nawat
Below you will find a video with pronunciation of the Numbers in Nawat from one to ten. This is a great tool for kids to learn.
Subjective Pronouns in Nawat ipal Kuskatan (Nawat from El Salvador)
English Nawat I Naja Ni-X You Taja Ti-X He/Him/Her Yaja (-)X Us Tejemet Ti-X-(pl) You All Anmejemet An-X-(pl) They Yejemet (-)X-(pl) You can plug in any intransitive verb or noun for X, and you can construct a sentence. For instance, Siwat, which means woman. Naja nisiwat, is I am a woman. Tejemet tisiwamet, is we […]
Titajtaketzakan ipanpa ne Nawat: Revitalizing and Protecting Native Language and Culture in Kuskatan (Western El Salvador)
Titajtaketzakan ipanpa ne Nawat: Revitalizing and Protecting Native Language and Culture in Kuskatan (Western El Salvador) 4/28/2021 2:00PM ET / 12:00 PM (El Salvador) Enlace de Registro/Registration Link El Centro de la Comunidad Indígena y la Facultad de Historia en Virginia Tech tienen el gran placer de presentar un seminario virtual sobre la estimulación de […]
Numbers in Nawat
Arabic Numeral Nawat 1 Se 2 Ume 3 Yei 4 Nawi 5 Makwil 6 Chikwasen 7 Chikume 8 Chikwey 9 Chiknawi 10 Majtakti 11 Majtakti se 12 Majtakti ume 13 Majtakti yei 14 Majtakti nawi 15 Kashtul 16 Kashtul se 17 Kashtul ume 18 Kashtul yei 19 Kashtul nawi 20 Se Pual 25 Se Pual […]
Protect Your Spirit: Native Resistance to Settler Violence [Webinar]
Apr 15, 2021 at 12:00 PM Eastern Time Registration Link Native peoples have lived in the Western Hemisphere since time immemorial. Since then, Indigenous communities throughout the American continent have been custodians of the land, air, and waterways in which they live. Native peoples have rich diversity and achievements in what Western Culture would conceive […]
American Indian and Indigenous Community Center – Virtual Lunch Series – Spring 2021
Dr. Kendra Taira Field Tufts University Stories We Tell: Family Histories and Silences in Slavery, Freedom, and Indian Country February 16, 2021 at 3:30 PM EST Registration Link This talk is about stories and silences. The talk will begin with the Field’s ancestors’ migratory lives in slavery, freedom, and the black and black Indian towns […]