Here you will find information for Nawat, the language of the Nahuas of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. You will largely find information on the dialects spoken in El Salvador.
You may have heard of Academic or lay publications, videos, or podcasts refer to Nawat, or the Nahua people that speak Nawat, as Pipil or Nawat-Pipil. Elders in communities do not acknowledge the name as valid for the language, or the people. Elders argue that this term was given to Nahuas in El Salvador by Spaniards and their Central Mexican Nahua allies during the invasion of Kuskatan (The Nahua Traditional Homeland in El Salvador between the Lempa River and the Guatemalan border). Thus, Nahua elders prefer to use the name of their community, or the broader Nahua umbrella. Some use the term Metzali (Native person), which you will find in many books pertaining to Nawat.