Late Nights at the LACMA

Art, music, beer and the starry night sky, what could be better? Hit the source link for more info: LINK

AGN Pays Homage to the Expeditionary Mexican Air force (Squadron 201)

El Archivo General de la Nación te invita a la inauguración de la exposición fotográfica Homenaje a la Fuerza Aérea Expedicionaria Mexicana Escuadrón 201  Sábado 30 de abril de 2011, 11:00 horas Sala David Alfaro Siqueiros Plática con los héroes vivientes del Escuadrón 201, 11:15 horas Cafetería de la librería Edmundo O´Gorman (FCE) Agradecemos confirmar […]

CFP: Arab Women in Latin America

“Call for Abstracts/Papers. New Deadline: March 31, 2010 Topic: “Arab Women in Latin America” Institute for Women’s Studies in the Arab World (IWSAW) Lebanese American University Beirut, Lebanon The Institute for Women’s Studies in the Arab World (IWSAW) at the Lebanese American University is soliciting articles for a forthcoming issue of its quarterly publication al-Raida […]

Getting ready for SECOLAS

I am presently getting my things together in preparation for my presentation at SECOLAS.  I will be flying out from LAX tommorow morning, and I expect to arrive in Wilmington, North Carolina at around 6 P.M. Look for more updates on my twitter account.


“El Archivo General de la Nación tiene el honor de invitarle a la charla: “Masculinidades disidentes: Las voces de los veteranos de la guerra de Irak” Del Prof. Matthew Gutmann Vicepresidente de Relaciones Internacionales de la Brown University Jueves 3 de marzo de 2011 17:00 hrs. Archivo General de la Nación Agradecemos confirmar su asistencia […]

Princeton Comparative Poetics Colloquium: Formal Measures (Updated Deadline)

“Sixth Annual Graduate Student Comparative Poetics Colloquium Department of Comparative Literature, Princeton University Saturday, May 7, 2011 UPDATE: Deadline for Proposals: March 20, 2011 On Saturday, May 7, 2011, the Department of Comparative Literature at Princeton University will host a colloquium in comparative poetics titled “Formal Measures.” Graduate students at any stage in their work […]

Dr. Leon Garcia to Present at UCR's History Colloquium

On March 1st at 2:00 p.m. in the University of California, Riverside’s History Library.  He will be speaking on “From Noble Therapeutics to Idolatrous Sorcery: The clandestine medical treatment of Don Pablo Xochiquen, colonial ruler of Mexico.”

Guilt Is Not Enough to Stop Students From Texting in Class

I just read an interesting article pertaining to texting in the classroom.  Apparently students are so addicted to texting, that they know it is wrong to text in certain circumstances, but they text anyway. Jump over to the chronicle’s website to read the article.

El Archivo General de la Nación (AGN) te invita a sus exposiciones temporales:

Declarando Independencias 22 septiembre 2010 – 8 abril 2011 Sala de Banderas Aurelio Escobar, fotógrafo profesional 4 noviembre 2010 – 26 marzo 2011 Sala David Alfaro Siqueiros Archivo General de la Nación Informes: 51 33 99 00 Ext. 19352 Visitas guiadas: 19014 y 19015 Eduardo Molina 113, esquina Albañiles Colonia Penitenciaría Ampliación Delegación Venustiano […]